Want to Create New Content Faster?

Here's my must-do checklist to boost your writing productivity.

Hey! Jae here. You’re reading Boss Creator Bulletina weekly value-packed insight that empowers you to become a more confident content creator. Let’s get to it!

Do you stare at a blank screen, trying to figure out what to write and how to start? Imagine if you could sit down and knock out a new post every week!

Besides content clarity, which is knowing precisely what topics (or themes) to write about, what if you had a checklist to write faster?

Imagine feeling stumped and staring at an empty screen, becoming a thing of the past. Ah, relief.

Seriously, my right-side-leaning brain moves fast. I needed a quick, at-a-glance reference with simple, easy-to-follow guidelines to understand what to write every week, so I created a 5-point checklist—primer questions I ask myself for everything I write.

Check out my 5-point checklist, see how it can work for you, and how I use it below.

Before you start writing your next post, consider the following questions:

1What's the top-level topic or theme of your essay, article, or post?

2Who's it for? Who are you writing to?

3Why does it matter to them? What's the benefit?

4How does it work? Is there a system, method, or process?

5Where's the proof? Do you have a case study or testimony to show who it helped?

I usually write the checklist answers at the top of my drafts to help me stay focused.

If you need clarification on what topics to write about or your audience, remember to outline or re-examine your content's Sweet Spot. How?

  1. What are your personal pain points or challenges?

  2. What are your readers' pain points or challenges? 

  3. Where’s the overlap?

Most folks want to achieve a goal that starts with solving a problem, so finding a common ground issue and providing a solution is the foundation of your Sweet Spot.

Break down what you did or plan to do to overcome the challenge you share with your reader. Of course, sharing how you helped someone else works too!

In the case of this issue, here are the answers to the above questions:

1What's the top-level topic or theme? 

✅ Answer: Productivity

2Who's it for? Who am I writing to? 

✅ Answer: Solopreneurs

3Why is this topic important to them? What's the benefit? 

✅ Answer: Because I struggled with consistently knowing what to write, providing a system I use can help solopreneurs write more quickly.

4How does it work? Is there a system, method, or process? 

✅ Answer: I'll share a quick and easy checklist to follow.

5Where's the proof? Do you have a case study or testimony to show who it helped?

✅ Answer: Using my checklist, I published 28 pieces of content (+10k words) in May, 11 posts in June (+4k words), and 18 posts (+9k words) this month so far.

If you want to ramp up your content creation without creating more work for yourself, follow my simple checklist to clarify and focus your writing.

I guarantee the above checklist will help you crank out more content, or I'll work with you until we have a plan that works for you for free. Try me.

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👋🏾 Hey, I'm Jasmine (but you can call me Jae)—your friendly neighborhood content creator, strategist & hype gal 🙌🏾

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