Are You Stuck, Unmotivated, and Feel Discouraged?

5 Power Tips to Instantly Gain Clarity & Get Energized to Create Content #LikeABoss

You're reading Boss Creator Bulletin, a weekly insight that empowers you to become a more confident content creator. Let’s dig in!

You have life experience and career expertise to share, and you want others to benefit from what you know, but something prevents you from writing and creating content, or you find it challenging to stay consistent and joyful.

As a 22-year content creator and strategist for creatives and solopreneurs, I have found that maintaining a positive mindset, focus, and clarity are common challenges that keep them stuck in indecision, feeling like an impostor, or unfulfilled.

Can I/Should I?

Why would anyone want to read what I write?

How can I consistently create new and engaging content and feel good about it??

Get unstuck and find ease to write and share when you deeply understand your Why. How?

Start with the end in mind. In short, ask yourself, What's the point?

Seriously, what's the bottom line for you and the folks you want to impact? Break it down.

Why does what you write matter to you, and why should it matter to others?

When you understand your motivations and intentions (your Why) and enjoy the process, you'll stay focused and consistently create values-aligned, engaging, relevant, and helpful content.

Lawd knows there are days when I wonder why I continue writing and publishing content, especially during bouts without positive feedback. (*cough*)... Hint, hint.

The following are ways I remind myself that creating new content day after day has to mean something greater than myself.

Here are five suggestions to help you (re)discover your intentions and motivations (your Why) and keep them top of mind:

1—State your intentions.

Determine if your writing hits one or more of the following intentions. Will your content (article, essay, blog post, etc.):

  • educate

  • inform

  • guide

  • inspire & encourage

  • engage

  • entertain

  • motivate

  • validate

  • empower

  • promote

  • build trust

2—Know your motivation.

What are your reasons? It helps to connect intimately to why you're on this path of creative entrepreneurial life because clarity begets determination and success.

You can only get to where you're going (the goal is joyful consistency, right?) when you know why you want to get there.

Here are five reasons why we endeavor to create and publish content:

  1. To Build Authority & Awareness 

  2. For Engagement & Connection

  3. Relationship-Building

  4. Conversion

  5. Growth

📣 Should I create a series exploring each of the above motivations? Let me know in a reply or comment.

3—Find your love language.

I love teaching folks about storytelling, sharing content creation hacks, and being a reliable resource, but serving others is paramount to me. Plus, there is power in shared stories and experiences.

Boss Creator Bulletin exists to empower creatives and solopreneurs like you to create content for their business or passion projects #LikeABoss💥

Endeavor to create and publish content that highlights what matters to you and helps your readers.

Consider the following clarity prompts:

  • What do you most value? 

  • What do you love and why?

  • What challenges have you overcome, and what lessons have you learned?

  • What life and career lessons can you share to help readers achieve their goals?

4—Choose your top discovery channels.

You could write in a journal and call it a day, but your intentions and motivations lead you to write and publish content to benefit others, which means folks need to find your content.

  • How will new connections find you?

  • Where will you nurture and grow existing relationships with your current connections?

  • More importantly, where do you want to show up to share your content, and why?

You may already know I'm not a fan of social media platforms. (You can read why here.) So, these are a few visibility channels I use:

💡The best platform to share your content is where you enjoy spending time and are most likely to engage with your ideal connections.

5—Rinse + Repeat.

There is power in sharing your purpose! Regularly re-examining and reassessing your intentions and motivations provides consistent clarity, which helps you stay focused, grounded, and excited about sharing new content with your connections.


If you feel stuck, unmotivated, and discouraged with your writing and content creation, clarify your motivations and intentions so that you confidently show up for your connections, stay consistent, and feel good about it.

More click-worthy content 👇🏾

👋🏾 Hey, I'm Jasmine (but you can call me Jae)—your friendly neighborhood content creator, strategist & hype gal 🙌🏾

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P.P.S. Grab the Boss Creator OS—a candid BTS look at my business toolkit containing +25 resources for free!

P.P.P.S. Do you want help starting or scaling your writing and content creation? Let’s do a 1:1 call! 


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