A Simple Workflow to Maximize Your Productivity

10x your writing process to publish epic posts every time.

You're reading (or listening to) Boss Creator Bulletina weekly insight empowering you to become a more focused and confident content creator.

Did you catch my quick 5-step checklist for cranking out new content fast? Well, to clarify my content further, I also follow a 5-point pre-publish system because clarity begets success. 

Here are 5 actionable (meaning you can do them now!) tips to 10x your writing and publish epic posts:

Step 1Write to an audience of one.

As someone who deals with social anxiety and loathes being in large crowds, I find more comfort in having intimate one-on-one conversations.

So, for everything I write, my outline begins with who I'm writing to and why. Overall, I treat my newsletter writing and blogging—like having a casual convo with a solopreneur who'll benefit from what I've learned. Which leads me to…

Step 2Write the way you speak. 

Recently, I watched (Okay, binged. Don't judge me 🤭) the final season of Star Trek Discovery. (Yes, I'm a Trekkie!) The ship's AI is called Zora, and she has a very soothing voice, but you still recognize that she sounds robotic.

I'm a purist. I don't use AI to write content, but I appreciate its use as a tool. Still, you risk alienating (No pun intended!) your readers if they don't feel you in your writing.

How can you ensure your writing reflects you?  

Step 3Read your writing aloud. 

After reading my writing aloud, I always find more nuggets to share because I'll discover nuances I'd say in person that (usually) translate well as written content. I think and talk in bullet points, but I also use humor and asides when speaking, so I reflect that in my writing.

Step 4Give your content space to breathe.

I rarely write and publish content on the same day unless what I'm sharing is time-sensitive, which is rare. Because I read a lot of content daily, I regularly find new perspectives about something I'm writing, so I give every draft time to simmer (usually a day or week) before publishing. 

Reading, researching, writing, editing, and engaging with my connections are all a part of my workflow. 

Steal my writing workflow:


Outline or write draft.

Altnerate topics/themes

- Mindset

- Content creation: writing, blogging, storytelling, marketing

- Productivity: planning, growth systems, apps, methods, how-tos


Engage (post in communities + groups, answer comments, respond to emails, gather new content ideas, etc.)


Edit draft.


- Review draft + make edits/additions.


- Finalize draft and schedule it for Monday.

- Engage (post in communities + groups, answer comments, respond to emails, gather new content ideas, etc.)

- Schedule the prior week’s issue to repost on LinkedIn and Medium.


Engage (post in communities + groups, answer comments, respond to emails, gather new content ideas, etc.)



Step 5Consider other viewpoints. 

We've all done it. You proofread your post and publish it feeling confident it's perfect, only to find mistakes later or missed opportunities to expand a point.

Before I schedule a new issue of Boss Creator Bulletin, I send myself a test email and review it on my desktop and mobile. Every time, I'm shocked at a missed typo or formatting goof!

You’ll breeze through your next writing session using my process (and workflow), or I’ll work with you to create a custom system for free! Let’s chat.

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👋🏾 Hey, I'm Jasmine (but you can call me Jae)—your friendly neighborhood content creator, strategist & hype gal 🙌🏾

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P.P.S. Grab the Boss Creator OS—my free business toolkit containing +25 resources!

P.P.P.S. Do you want help starting or scaling your writing and content creation? Let’s do a 1:1 call! 


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