How to build client trust.

The one thing you can do to build trust and boost brand awareness with your ideal target audience.

What's one thing you can do to build client trust?

Pervasive content marketing advice recommends always framing your content around your client's needs so that you can determine how best to help them overcome challenges.

💡But potential clients won't trust you if they don't know you.

This year's content creation trend to implement is to infuse your content with engaging stories that teach your audience something unique about YOU. 

🦸You are the superhero of your story. 

Everything you've achieved and your life experiences are fodder for creating engaging content to help your readers, supporters, and potential clients connect with you on a deeper level.

What are some stories you can share to build personal brand awareness, nurture relationships, expand your influence, and grow your business?

1- Share an entertaining or amusing childhood experience that helped shape your life or business.

2 - Consider sharing a relatable challenge you've overcome and the lessons you've learned. 

3—Your audience will benefit from hearing your perspective on a thought-provoking concept or idea you learned on your professional journey. 

📚 Your task this week: Create or update your website's About page or create a blog post, video reel, or podcast episode introducing (or reintroducing) yourself to your audience.

Your audience will appreciate learning something new about you, and you'll deepen your know-like-trust factor 💥

✅ Get an easy-to-implement email welcome or launch sequence.

✅ Ensure your brand voice stays consistent across multiple platforms with this guide.

✅ Check out a content planner template for savvy creators who want to better manage their time.

That's it for this week!


P.S. What's your BIGGEST content creation challenge? Reach out. I'd love to hear from you.


or to participate.