Boss Talks w/ Email Nerd Matt Brady of Email FYI

Introducing a NEW Content Creator Spotlight Series!

Hi! Welcome to the first issue of Boss Talks, a new interview-style feature highlighting engaging content creators and trend-setting solopreneurs.

📣 Full disclosure: Some Boss Talks interviews may be sponsored content.

However, most often, I'll share Q&As with successful and inspiring creators I have the good fortune to call friends, colleagues, or clients. Rest assured, though, I'll always indicate sponsored content in the header.

I'll get into more Boss Talks housekeeping in an upcoming issue, but today, let's dive in with our first feature!

When I tell you that you never know where your next inspiration will come from, believe me when I tell you I didn't expect to become so enamored with Matt Brady!

I first met Matt in one of my fave online communities a few months ago, and since then, I (rarely) miss his daily emails, Medium articles, and LinkedIn captions.

The main thing that impresses me most about Matt's content style is that he publishes content with heart and good intentions, which you can feel in easy-to-digest resources.

Plus, he's a genuinely nice guy who goes out of his way to assist folks who want (need) email marketing help.

Read on to learn more about email marketing guru Matt Brady.

Okay, Matt. Imagine we're chatting over a (virtual) cup of coffee. Tell me about your entrepreneurial journey. How did you get started?

My first entrepreneurial adventure was back in middle school, selling candy to my classmates on the school bus. I realized I could buy a box of Airheads cheap, sell them for less than the school store, and make a tidy profit.

A photo of Matt (circa 1994), submitted by Matt.

Since then, I've tried a lot of other business ideas that didn't really take: bookkeeping, songwriting coach, and novelist. But email marketing is where I've finally landed.

Uhm... Love the photo! No shade 🤭

Okay, but why email marketing? What's the attraction?

I've always been a fan of words, whether reading or writing them, and email is one of the few channels that are still predominantly text-based experiences.

Not only that, it feels a lot more relational than something like social media. For someone to start receiving my emails or newsletter, they have to give me permission to enter their info in a box to opt in, as opposed to a relatively cold click of a "follow" or "connect" button.

How do you compare email marketing with social media marketing? Is one better than the other?

They both have their uses, and I'd say it's best to use both instead of one vs. the other. But social media is more about talking "at" people, trying to grab their attention amongst the cacophony of the rest of the world.

Email marketing is meeting people in their inbox, so it's more talking "to" them, a bit more personal.

What about folks starting to dabble with a newsletter or wonder if starting one is worth it? What's your advice?

My advice would be DO IT! In all seriousness, most entrepreneurs and businesses would benefit from having a dedicated channel that gets about twenty times more engagement than social media. If you do it right, email newsletters can become a primary driver for selling products, booking services, and making more money at the end of the day.

I know people who say 95% of their revenue comes from their email list, so it's definitely worth a strong consideration.

When working with clients, what are the top 3 business challenges you typically help them overcome?

(1.) Increasing LTV (lifetime value) of customers, (2.) Uncovering hidden revenue in an existing customer list, and (3.) Saving time by automating emails.

Okay, email guy, what's your go-to email marketing solution/platform, and why?

It's hard to beat ConvertKit (soon to be Kit) or Beehiiv in my mind. I know there are other "all in one" solution providers out there, but the features available pale compared to what you can do with those two platforms. 

Cool. Of course, I have to ask... What do you love most about what you do?

I love helping people with an already profitable business model turn up the dial to 11. Once a business gets to a certain point, it's hard to see inefficiencies and places for improvement from within. Having someone come in and diagnose those areas of opportunity is a win-win for me and my clients.

You've been doing this for a while. What's most challenging for you in your business?

As a solopreneur, disconnecting from "business mode" and taking time off can be challenging. 

Could you give us some BTS action? What does your day-to-day look like?

I work full-time in transportation/logistics as my 8-5, so I spend my "in-between" hours and off time running Email FYI and working on email marketing. It's not glamorous to effectively work two jobs at once, but we all start somewhere!

Since you have a busy life besides Email FYI, how do you stay focused and motivated?

I keep my end goal in mind: to generate enough revenue so my wife can quit her job if she wants to within the next few years. Unfortunately, she makes a good bit more money than I do, so I've got a ways to go.

By the way, what is Email FYI? Who's it for? What hurdles did (do) you face launching and running it?

At first, Email FYI was just a cool and short name for my newsletter. But the more I've sat with the name and grown my business around it, it's become more of a mission statement: email fuels your income.

The biggest hurdle so far has been sharing the true value of email with business owners & founders. While email has an amazing ROI, it's not always immediate, making the folks holding the purse strings hesitant to get started.

From one creator to another, what's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?

Stick with it. It can be so easy to throw in the towel after a month, three months, or even six months. But those who stick with it past that six-month mark have a much better chance of succeeding just by virtue of hanging on.

That's excellent advice! I should tattoo "Stick with it" on my arm or create a t-shirt! Ahem…

If you're taking new clients, what's the best way for folks to work with you?

I talk a lot about making money with email in my daily (M-F) newsletter Email FYI, so that's always a good starting spot. I also help folks with their existing newsletters with a newsletter/email marketing review offer they can find here. 

Besides subscribing to your newsletter, where should folks connect with you?

LinkedIn is my preferred social platform these days, so folks can find me there at

Nice! Matt, thanks for contributing to the inaugural issue of Boss Talks. Your insights will inspire anyone considering starting a newsletter, especially the solopreneur seeking expert guidance.

Matt Brady is a self-professed email nerd on a quest to help as many business owners as possible make more money with email. He owns Email FYI, whose motto is "email fuels your income."

I'll have more Boss Talks: Smart Talk with Boss Creators spotlight interviews later this month. Subscribe if you're new here so you don't miss out!


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