The best blogging (and social media) advice.

Your digital marketing success secret sauce.

You're reading Boss Creator Bulletin5-minute (or less) weekly insights empowering you to become a more confident content creator. I hope this issue benefits you and your content projects. Ready? Let's get to it! 

Listen and learn from others, but don't imitate them. Follow your intuition and carve your own path to success, whatever success means to you. Boom, baby! 💥

But how do you know when it's time to chart your own course for showing up online and promoting yourself or your business? 

When you find yourself in a tailspin, worrying and stressing about what to do next. 

My advice: Ditch the laundry list of "must-do" and "should" advice from social media "experts" and gurus.

Please don't should on yourself, it's not nice.

Go inward and listen to your voice. 

Your brain has processed the advice and suggestions you've consumed, so now it's time to filter them through your values and energy meters. 

  • Does it feel good to you (honorable and authentic)? 

  • Will implementing something similar energize and excite you? 

If an idea or suggestion makes you uncomfortable after you check in with yourself, chuck it. Decide it's not for you and move on. 

Don't invest energy trying to make something fit that isn't for you or the people you want to benefit. 

I had to learn this lesson the hard way. I spent months (okay, years) trying to recreate marketing strategies from several content creator "gurus"... Ick. 

I created countless content plans to map out their suggestions but didn't implement them to promote myself and my services because I knew in my gut that I could do better.

My stomach turned whenever I read the suggestion to "just put yourself out there more" or the "always be selling, post every day" scheme to increase my brand awareness via social media. 

I knew none of that was for me, not just because I'm an introvert but also because I don't want to support Meta. 

Introversion isn't something you shake off. I'm a diagnosed HSP OCD INFJ, so my brain is wired differently than other people. Maybe you can relate? 

As an introvert, telling me to "just get out of your comfort zone" and show up in Instagram reels is akin to telling a person with diabetes to give up taking insulin and just get better. (I mean no disrespect to my insulin-challenged friends.)

Call me a control freak, but I want to shape how my content is delivered to my readers. I don't want to subject them to unethical advertising and privacy issues. Plus, who wants to compete with funny cat videos, talking dogs, and dancing babies? Not me.

I realized I could show up for my people in ways aligned with my personality, comfort, and values.

Granted, learning skills that contradict my genetic makeup is one thing. Indeed, I could learn to put "myself out there" on social platforms that are not Meta. 

Still, I prefer using my unique talents (because being an introvert is a superpower) in ways that work for me rather than against my nature. 

Does this any of this resonate with you?

Of course, I support using content strategies and systems (shameless plug!), but as a guide to boosting your storytelling and content creation confidence. 

Ultimately, you'll find what works best for you.

So, I'd love to know... What content marketing strategies work for you?


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